
Us being silly, as usual :P

Learning the proper way to drink Japanese Tea J

Learning how to eat 和菓子

Alex showing us the correct way to make traditional Japanese tea

Everyone who participated in the 茶道 “ceremony”

伝統工芸館で making crafts :D

It was raining but we all managed to have a great time at the Crafts Art Museum and at the park!

The late-comers ^^

Having tea, coffee, and nuts after all our hard work making pottery


おいで、おいで、みんな おいで、、、

Proper way of opening and closing the beautiful fans

Learning to speak with out fans

Everyone being very attentive to our teacher J

…and watching her moves so we can try them too

Maybe we need a little more practice to get it perfect, but I think we did a very good job for having only a couple of hours!

I really liked this picture ^^


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